
2 Minutes With DJ Patil

DataKind’s Founder & Executive Director, Jake Porway, and DJ Patil recently caught-up for a chat. Here’s some of what they spoke about… A little about DJ… Husband, dad, data maverick Chaos Theory mathematician Served in 2 Administrations on domestic and national security US Chief Data Officer 2015-17 appointed by President …

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Using Satellite Imagery to Generate Awareness and Funds for Refugees

At a 2017 DataDive presented by USA for UNHCR, #GivingTuesday and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a team of DataKind volunteers led by Evelyn Lang, Ravin Pierre, and Friederike Schüür worked alongside Rita Ko and Franck Mujyanama of USA for UNHCR to see how emerging technologies like data science and newly available data sources might be leveraged to help the organization raise awareness and showcase the refugee experience to inspire more donors to give.

Using Satellite Imagery to Generate Awareness and Funds for Refugees Read More »

NYC June DataDive Capacity

We’re thrilled to be hosting a DataDive June 22 to 24 where we will be partnering with three mission-driven organizations working to promote healthy environments and resilient communities. Because we may have a full house this weekend, please continue to check this blog for the latest updates on event capacity if you are local and planning to attend!

NYC June DataDive Capacity Read More »

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