Brightly colored cartoon of people assembling gears into a large machine.

DataKind Playbook: Building capacity to leverage AI and data science 

The DataKind Playbook has just received an exciting revamp, transforming it into a comprehensive, globally-accessible knowledge base for designing, implementing, and following through with impactful AI and data science projects. In response to the needs of social impact organizations, we’ve introduced ten new articles crafted specifically to enhance their capacity and enable them to grow in their data maturity.

Our goal with this update is to empower organizations to build their internal capabilities and advance their data maturity. To achieve this, we engaged with our community of social sector professionals through co-creation sessions and user research, ensuring that the resources we provide tackle their most pressing challenges.

Key new topics include:

  1. Scoping data projects: Guides professionals in identifying and defining equitable data projects, including project statements and what to expect when partnering with DataKind for data maturity assessment and security.
  2. Getting started with data engineering: Offers a comprehensive guide to kickstart data infrastructure, addressing the gap in resources for social sector professionals and featuring webinars, slides, and curated resources.
  3. Leveraging generative AI: Provides a six-step guide to implementing equitable generative AI, along with risk assessment tools and insights into setting up AI technologies, including a deep dive case study that explores how large language models can help scale data standardization and cleaning.

Alongside these enhancements, we’ve migrated the Playbook to GitHub for improved user experience and accessibility. We invite you to explore the revamped Playbook and share your ideas for additional topics at Together, let’s drive social impact through data!

This program is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth.

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